Trial of Vartinis (Altınova) Massacre

Nine persons, all members of the same family, were killed in the Vartinis (Altınova) hamlet of the Korkut county in the Muş province on 3 October 1993, when their house was set on fire following the allegations that they had “aided and abetted an illegal terrorist organization”. Immediately following the […]

Trial of Lice Massacre

During a military operation held in the Lice district of the Diyarbakır province on 22 October 1993, 15 civilians, along with one soldier (Yüksel Bayar), and Gendarmerie Regional Commander Brigadier General Bahtiyar Aydın lost their lives. In the formal criminal charge brought against Diyarbakır Gendarmerie Regiment Commander Eşref Hatipoğlu and […]

The trial of Ankara JITEM

Nineteen persons, among whom are former police chiefs and members of the special team, were tried by the Ankara 1st Assize Court for having killed nineteen persons extra-judicially and arbitrarily in Ankara and its vicinity during 1993-1996. While the formal criminal charge concerning the killing of Abdülmecit Baskın was filed […]

Dargeçit JİTEM Davası

Mardin’in Dargeçit ilçesinde 29.10.1995 ile 08.03.1996 tarihleri arasında biri uzman çavuş üçü çocuk, sekiz kişinin zorla kaybedilmesiyle ilgili yürütülen soruşturmada 30.10.2014 tarihinde ilk iddianame hazırlandı. İddianamede dönemin Mardin Jandarma Komando Tabur Komutanı Hurşit İmren, Dargeçit İlçe Jandarma Komutanı Mehmet Tire, Dargeçit Merkez Jandarma Karakol Komutanı Mahmut Yılmaz, Karakol Komutanı Yardımcısı […]