Trial of Naim Kurt

In 1993, about 60 villagers from the evacuated and burnt down village of Kızılağaç in the Muş province went there back to get what remained of their belongings, but detained by the Kızılağaç Gendarmerie Command and taken to the Muş Province Gendarmerie Regiment Command Post. While some of the detainees […]

Trial of Dargecit JITEM

The indictment concerning the enforced disappearance of eight persons, including one specialist sergeant and three children in the Dargeçit district of the Mardin province between 29 October 1995, and 8 March 1996, was concluded on 30 October 2014. The indictment charged Mardin Gendarmerie Commando Battalion Commander Hurşit İmren, Dargeçit Township […]

Trial of Kızıltepe JİTEM

In 2014, retired Colonel Hasan Atilla Uğur, Diyarbakır Province Gendarme Commander Colonel Eşref Hatipoğlu, Gendarmerie Commando Unit Commander Ahmet Boncuk, Sergeant Major Ünal Alkan, and village guards Abdurrahman Kurğa, Mehmet Emin Kurğa, Ramazan Çetin, Mehmet Salih Kılınçaslan, and İsmet Kandemir were charged with “forming or running a criminal organization, being […]


Important resources concerning international and domestic internal legislation related to court decisions and resources within the context of the doctrine of transitional justice period can be reached here including the Turkish translations. These have been put together to support the struggles of victims of gross human rights violations. Makaleler The Articles […]

Yavuz Ertürk (Kulp) Davası

8 Ekim-25 Ekim 1993 tarihleri arasında Diyarbakır’ın Kulp ilçesinin dağınık mezralardan oluşan (Gurnik, Mezire, Pireş, Kepir ve Şuşan) Alaca köyü ve Muş’a bağlı Kayalısü köyü (Licik mezrası) civarında General Yavuz Ertürk komutasındaki Bolu Tugayı tarafından yürütülen askeri operasyonlarda gözaltına alınan 11 kişiden bir daha haber alınamadı. 11.10.2013 tarihinde konuyla ilgili […]